Blog: Optimal Performance

November 20, 2020

22 Olympic Medals: 9 Back-to-School Lessons We All Could Use

Recently there was a fabulous video touting the accolades of imagery and mental visualization from the Washington Post. Not surprisingly, the feature was with Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian ever – with 22 medals – and his long-term coach Bob Bowman. As the school year is starting, I’d like to offer some simple ideas that stood out – so […]
November 20, 2020

TEDxStudioCityED: Blending Self-Regulation, Technology, and Education

The challenges of growing up in today’s rapidly changing technological society are enormous. Children need to be equipped with skills for survival and growth that were never before imagined. When we focus on teaching children and adolescents self-healing and self-regulation techniques through the positive power of their imagination, it can empower them to realize their potential throughout their lifetime. There […]
November 20, 2020

Visualizing Victory: 9 Tools to Help Kids Achieve Success in Sport

If you want to support your child to reach for the gold yet celebrate the bonze — or if your once-happy child that used to love skating or basketball no longer wants to participate — here are nine imagination tools that can help. It’s finally spring. The kids are out playing ball — baseball, soccer, basketball, tennis — anything to […]
November 20, 2020

Boost Your Child’s Brain Power With a Little Imagination

It’s just the beginning of the school year, already the test grades are pouring in – and not always with the best results. Does your child have a learning style that sometimes gets in the way of his success at school? Is he often labeled slow, lazy, or disruptive? Without understanding and support, kids with different learning styles than their […]
November 20, 2020

“Back-to-School-itis” Anyone?

Sweet six-year-old Sacha lamented, “I don’t want to be bossed around so much,” when I asked her how she felt about returning to school. Normally quiet nine-year-old Alec stood up, hands over his ears, shouting, “I hate homework!” in our recent counseling session. And eleven-year-old Deb drew a picture of her “rotting brain,” complete with black holes where science and […]