Blog: All Articles

November 21, 2020

Mindfulness in Motion: Inner Strength Through Imagery

What better way to help a child find Strength than to start within. Chloe’s in-depth story gets to the heart of what mindful imagery can accomplish – aim for resiliency through life. And with the help of Imagination Tools, she also connects to other aspects of inner Strength such as self-appreciation and self-love. Six-year-old Chloe described how she ran from […]
November 21, 2020

Opening the Heart of a Child: Cultivating Compassion in Children and Teens

With the holidays approaching, expectations of peace, love, giving, receiving, and forgiving abound. My mind and heart naturally wander to thoughts of compassion and self-compassion and where these very critical values stand in our consciousness. Especially at this time of year when many feel they are supposed to be joyful yet are not. Perhaps nowhere is the importance of kids […]
November 20, 2020

22 Olympic Medals: 9 Back-to-School Lessons We All Could Use

Recently there was a fabulous video touting the accolades of imagery and mental visualization from the Washington Post. Not surprisingly, the feature was with Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian ever – with 22 medals – and his long-term coach Bob Bowman. As the school year is starting, I’d like to offer some simple ideas that stood out – so […]
November 20, 2020

TEDxStudioCityED: Blending Self-Regulation, Technology, and Education

The challenges of growing up in today’s rapidly changing technological society are enormous. Children need to be equipped with skills for survival and growth that were never before imagined. When we focus on teaching children and adolescents self-healing and self-regulation techniques through the positive power of their imagination, it can empower them to realize their potential throughout their lifetime. There […]
November 20, 2020

Start Simple: A View of the New Year

I love New Year’s. “Regular” New Year, Chinese New Year, Jewish New Year, Indian New Year, whatever New Year tradition there is, count me in. Any reason to start fresh and be given a second chance. How many of us could use a do-over when we mess up? How comforting to know you’ve been given another opportunity to do better. […]
November 20, 2020

Family Dinners: Just Holiday Time or All the Time?

With the holidays upon us, there’s likely going to be a lot of family gatherings – meals included. It brings up the question of how essential these rituals are to you – not just holiday time, but all the time. Family dinners can be a loving predictable routine that make kids feel safe and cherished. It’s wonderful to know there […]
November 20, 2020

Halloween Time: Fun or Fear?

Halloween is supposed to be a fun time for kids of all ages. And for many it is. Dress up, hang out with friends or family, and collect candy. What could be bad? Plenty, if you ask 11-year-old Louise. Halloween is absolutely no fun at all for her. She knows she’s supposed to enjoy the spooky decked out houses, the […]
November 20, 2020

Time to Open Your Heart…To Your Kids

As school starts, so does stress. Not only for kids, but for the parents that watch over them. It’s easy to let our worry turn into irritation and nagging and yelling… Yet there is also an antidote – coming from an open heart. Cheesy but true. As homework piles up and friends present problems, this is a wonderful opportunity to […]
November 20, 2020

7 Soothing Remedies for Kids’ Headaches

Ten-year-old Ethan described his headaches as either “pounding cannonballs” on the top of his head or “humungous pliers” gripping his temples. He created a character for them: a muscular hard-hat construction worker holding an enormous drill in each hand, opening up the top of his head and drilling directly into his brain. The intense pain made Ethan weep. Headaches are […]