November 20, 2020

Spring: Time for a Healing (Garden) for Our Kids

Spring is a time of new beginnings: flowers blooming and seeds blossoming into lush plants that we’ve nurtured and cultivated earlier. Spring can also be a time of renewal for our children – to open their hearts, to share their hopes, and to expand their dreams. We can guide our children toward their right path by helping them connect with […]
November 20, 2020

Visualizing Victory: 9 Tools to Help Kids Achieve Success in Sport

If you want to support your child to reach for the gold yet celebrate the bonze — or if your once-happy child that used to love skating or basketball no longer wants to participate — here are nine imagination tools that can help. It’s finally spring. The kids are out playing ball — baseball, soccer, basketball, tennis — anything to […]
November 20, 2020

Boosting Your Teen’s EQ

Do you have a bright teenage child who is nevertheless struggling at school or having difficulty socially? Your child’s IQ and SAT scores probably aren’t the culprit. Child education psychologists agree that EQ—or emotional intelligence—has much more influence on your child’s success, now and in the future. Emotional intelligence, first described by Peter Salovey and John Mayer, two Yale University […]
November 20, 2020

Helping a Child Comprehend and Cope with Catastrophe

Normally the effects of a trauma are related to how far away one is. But with TV bringing intense images right into our homes 24/7, we are all affected – our children, even more so. First it was a monster earthquake in Japan, followed quickly by the tsunami. Then a nuclear leak. Normally the effects of a trauma are related […]
November 20, 2020

Families: The Possibility of Grace This Holiday Season

A mom and her 17-year-old son hugged and couldn’t let go. Tears were streaming down both their faces. They had been estranged from each other the past two years and came to see me because they wanted to reconnect. They terribly missed their past loving relationship, but so much had transpired they didn’t know how to repair their rift. We […]
November 20, 2020

7 Holiday Stress Busters for Kids

Although holiday time means presents and no school for most American kids, it can also be a stressful time—particularly in families facing financial challenges, in split or blended families, and in families where a loved one has recently passed away. One of the first steps for parents is to realize how much stress kids are under – much of it […]
November 20, 2020

The Healing Power of Children’s Art

Since the first cave paintings, we humans have found creative ways to express ourselves with art. We naturally draw, paint, and doodle to capture thoughts and feelings. Art has also been used throughout history for healing. Studies show that it creates brain wave patterns that enhance the autonomic nervous system, hormonal balance, and brain neurotransmitters. While doing artistic expressive art, […]
November 20, 2020

Yikes… Another Flu Shot! Kids Face Medical Procedures with The Power of Imagination

Whenever Edward started up the stairs to his pediatrician’s office, he would panic. He’d fall down and refuse to move. Even though his doctor was the kindest, caring doc around, Edward was terrified of “the shot.” He had to be carried in and held down for any immunization. Now that it’s flu season, another “shot” is coming up and his […]
November 20, 2020

Banish Belly and Other Aches…. Guided Imagery Helps Kids Ease Tummy Troubles

Eight-year-old Alice suffered from horrible stomach pain. In my office she closed her eyes, breathed slowing into her belly, and asked inside what was the cause. Stress appeared as a large square black block in the middle of her brain. What to do? Her inner voice said Calmness was the antidote. Pictured as a swirling lavender ball, she breathed Calm […]

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