November 20, 2020

5 Tips to Turn the Tide: Parents and Kids Living Together Lovingly

Eleven-year-old Grace had always been a challenge, but the last two years everything had become a struggle with her parents. Grace wanted more freedom; Mom needed to keep a watchful eye. Grace thought Dad was overbearing; Dad found Grace inconsiderate. Explosions erupted constantly and no one knew how to turn the tide. Parents often complain to me about their kid’s […]
November 20, 2020

Peace Begins At Home: 6 Tips for Siblings

The state of the world has been on the mind of so many of the families I work with. Too many wars, too much aggression, too much not caring about each other and the planet. It’s created an underlying anxiety even for the youngest kids who are exposed to the news in their living rooms. One tense teen asked, “Haven’t […]
November 20, 2020

6 Ways to Help Your Child Develop Better Friendships

I’m getting a lot of flack about friends lately. Kids are complaining that they don’t have any. Parents are concerned that their children don’t have enough, or have too many disagreements with the ones they do have. Everyone is asking for help. All this reminds me of seven-year-old Freddie. Every day after school he complained, “The girls are bossy,” or, […]
November 20, 2020

Helping Children Be Their Own Best Friend and Find Happiness Within

What better way to help a child find happiness than to start within… being her own best friend. When your child has a best friend inside, she can be happy no matter what storms of life are outside. With a strong foundation of self-love and self-acceptance, kids learn to value their own company and integrity over just fitting in.They realize […]
November 20, 2020

How to Handle an Over-the-Top Temper?

It’s winter, it’s cold, the weather drives us indoors and can also drive us a bit batty. So it’s not surprising that it’s a time that kids can easily lose their tempers. How to manage an over-the-top temper in wintertime… and any time? One of the most difficult challenges we as parents and caregivers face is helping kids manage their […]
November 20, 2020

Quick Tips for Sleep

Parents ask me all the time about sleep problems. For example…”You say that sleep issues are a major concern for kids today. How can parents use imagination to help their children fall asleep quickly and easily?” No matter how old a child is, trouble falling asleep is the most common complaint, followed by trouble staying asleep. 30 to 70 percent […]
November 20, 2020

The Healing Power of Family Play

Many years ago I happened upon a magical island in the Mediterranean where families from all parts of Europe took their holidays. The beaches have the warmest, clearest aqua waters, there are fascinating prehistoric “taula” ruins, a bit like Stonehenge, sprinkled about, and the old towns take me back to a charming other time. I’ve been fortunate to return almost […]
November 20, 2020

Summertime – Can We All Just Get Along?

It’s summertime and the kids are out of school. No more stress – no more homework, no more tests, no more pressure. Kids and families should have a super summer. Yes? Well, not exactly. The pressures of the academic year are over, and initially there’s a big relief and often everyone is happy and carefree. But with lots more time […]
November 20, 2020

Bonding With Kids on Mother’s Day

May has just begun and Mother’s Day is already next weekend! What a great opportunity to “check in” with the kids in your life – whether you work with them or have them – and enjoy some creative play together. According to various studies, mothers’ time spent with children benefits youngsters in numerous ways–from producing lower rates of obesity to […]

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