Chris Pocock

November 20, 2020

No More Bedwetting! Imagination Secrets of Success

Do you know someone who wets the bed at night? You probably do, but they’re not talking about it. Bedwetting is common (up to 20 percent of five-year-olds, 10 percent of seven-year-olds, and 3 percent of ten-year-olds do it). Five to seven million kids in the U.S. are affected. The guilt, shame, embarrassment anxiety, anger, and poor self-concept that may […]
November 20, 2020

Boost Your Child’s Brain Power With a Little Imagination

It’s just the beginning of the school year, already the test grades are pouring in – and not always with the best results. Does your child have a learning style that sometimes gets in the way of his success at school? Is he often labeled slow, lazy, or disruptive? Without understanding and support, kids with different learning styles than their […]
November 20, 2020

Sleep Tonight? Using Imagery to Create a Soothing Blanket of Sleep

It’s the end of the day. You’re tired. You’ve worked hard. The children have finally gone to bed. You’re looking forward to some peace and quiet by yourself. All of a sudden you hear the cries of your normally loving youngster: “I can’t sleep!” Or, your teen charges into the room and insists that he can’t fall asleep because he’s […]
November 20, 2020

The Heart of Discipline

An enraged mom pulls her son into my office. At her wits end with her 10-year-old’s acting out behavior at school, she demanded to come into his private counseling session without notice. Across town his dad had a different reaction – on his son’s weekend visit, while staying very calm, he put his misbehaving boy over his knee – and […]
November 20, 2020

Helena’s Healing Toolbox: The Power of A Child’s Imagination

“Your imagination can help you heal.” This simple and elegant statement was nine-year-old Helena’s response when asked what she had learned from our work together as we were wrapping up our counseling relationship. Helena first came to me because she never expressed any negative feelings. Her parents were concerned since her younger brother was very expressive – actually a terror […]
November 20, 2020

“Back-to-School-itis” Anyone?

Sweet six-year-old Sacha lamented, “I don’t want to be bossed around so much,” when I asked her how she felt about returning to school. Normally quiet nine-year-old Alec stood up, hands over his ears, shouting, “I hate homework!” in our recent counseling session. And eleven-year-old Deb drew a picture of her “rotting brain,” complete with black holes where science and […]
November 20, 2020

Imagination and Play in the Electronic Age: A Book Review

This is a book to be enjoyed, savoring each thought, description of research, and idea. Not to be rushed through because it’s packed with important information. It’s a relief and a pleasure to learn what our common sense and intuition tells us is backed up by the literature. I share many of the details of the Singers’ work and have […]
November 20, 2020

The Healing Power of Children’s Imagination for Medical Procedures: Help for Pain, Anxiety, and Fear

Medical procedures and surgery can be terrorizing to a child. The worry, anxiety, fear of pain, and feeling out of control can send kids over the edge – from hysterical crying to aggressive and acting-out behavior, to hiding and crawling up in a fetal position. As nurses and practitioners you can help the parents and caregivers you work with learn […]
November 20, 2020

Kids and Emotional Intelligence: What Is It, Who Has It, and How to Get It

Your nine year old is teased at school for being the new kid in class, or being too fat, or answering correctly one too many times, and tells you he wants to run away or kill himself. Your six year old feels humiliated at soccer practice cause she can’t kick the ball as well as the other girls (never mind […]